At Ardmore, we believe employment is possible for everyone, regardless of their level of ability. Ardmore's Customized Employment services match candidates according to their interests, passion, and skill sets to employers looking for candidates who want to learn the ropes and create success for themselves and the company. Learn more from our employment services manager below about how Ardmore supports people and employers to create pathways to independence.
Customized Employment Process
Gathering information from the job seeker and the CE support team to determine the job seeker's interests, skills, and preferences related to potential employment that guide the development of a customized job
Using the information learned about an individual job seeker in Discovery to develop a plan toward a meaningful employment, determine a list of potential employers, and conduct an analysis of benefits.
Working collaboratively with the individual and the employer to negotiate a customized job; the provision of supports; and the terms of employment that will match the individual's interests, skills, conditions necessary for success, and specific contributions, and will fill the unmet needs of an employer.
Setting up on-going post-employment supports and monitoring the employment relationship to ensure satisfaction of both the individual and the employer.