Ardmore Covid-19 Update
January 1, 2022
TO: Ardmore Team
FROM: Lori Sedlezky, CEO
Happy New Year! I am hopeful that 2022 will bring us better health and wellbeing! Please remember to check your email frequently in the New Year as we have lots of news coming in 2022.
As we start the New Year, COVID-19 continues to be a threat to the health and safety of the people we support and our staff. In an effort to make it through this peak in COVID-19 cases in Prince George’s County, as of January 1st, 2022 and until further notice, Ardmore services will be as follows:
Day and Employment Services
In-Person Community Day services will be suspended at this time due to increased number of COVID cases in Prince George's County. Virtual supports will continue to be offered to all service participants. In-person supports will be provided to those who need in person support due to health and safety. Please be in touch with the person’s team and your manager if you are unsure of how to proceed. Please be sure that all people supported have access to and are connecting with virtual services.
Community Living
All group homes, supported living services and personal supports will continue to operate. People supported who are at high risk or live in a home with someone at high risk will be asked to minimize contact with people other than staff during this time. All safety protocols in the house must be followed. Safety protocols and procedures can be found in the homes, and will be sent again this week.
Administrative Offices
The administrative office will remain open at limited capacity. You will be required to complete the wellness check upon entry or immediately prior to entry. This is a requirement to enter the building. New Hire Orientation, and other in-person trainings will continue to take place in person at this time.
We will be revisiting our service delivery protocols weekly, and adjust as needed based on the reported cases in Prince George’s County. Please check your email daily to receive any updates on service provision.
It will take all of us to keep one another safe. Please always wear your mask, social distance as much as possible, stay away from large gatherings, but most importantly get your vaccination.
Ardmore will be mandating vaccination of all staff according to federal OSHA regulations. Vaccination deadlines for all Ardmore employees are no later than January 10, 2022. Please see notice of mandatory vaccination policy email sent by Melissa Scholfield on December 23, 2021.
Again, we are all in this together. I appreciate your efforts to keep yourself healthy and those around you safe. Please feel free to contact me or Melissa Scholfield at if you have any questions.