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Real Lives for All People
Ardmore's Strategic Plan
Real Lives for All People
Ardmore strives to provide the people with whom it works for the resources and pathways to live fulfilling lives. Ardmore will develop and implement improved practices to empower people to pursue their aspirations while promoting dignity, equity, and responsibility. These pathways will support an organic process to navigate the journey of life with meaningful connections, individual autonomy, and the ability to live according to their choices and desires.
This Key Strategic Focus Area contains three (3) big picture goals and several measurable objectives associated with each goal.
Goal #1
Key Strategies
Engage in person-driven pre-PCP planning to determine goals and objectives that are person-centered and meaningful, as well as address gaps in services.
Integrate new technology into everyday routines and at points throughout the day where assistive devices can promote independence (adding reminders for their daily routines).
Evaluate the impact of the assistive device in terms of increased independence, improved communication, and participation in activities.
Goal #2
Key Strategies
Participate in TY Fairs in Prince Georges & Montgomery Counties.
Engage with families through school and organization-based information and educational sessions.
Explore the process to develop a Project Search program and research employer partner opportunities.
Blend employment and CDS activities to create a meaningful schedule that focuses on Employment First initiatives.
Goal #3
Key Strategies
Each person who receives CL services will be provided the opportunity to participate in a POMS.
Each person for whom Ardmore works will be provided opportunities to complete a satisfaction survey, at least annually. If the person declines to participate, their choice will be noted and revisited at a later time.
Application of individualized protocols will be monitored bi-annually and reviewed with the person to determine if the person is experiencing improved personal outcomes in areas where opportunities were available for improvement.
Goal #1
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